
The Origins of World War II


Going Deeper

The following links will help you widen your knowledge:

Basics - 'panic revision' overview sheet

Basic student's notes

revision world excellent notes on appeasement



- BBC debate-podcast on what caused the War

- Hodder podcast:  who was to blame?

- Giles Hill on the Road to War

- Scott Allsop on the Road to War


Old texts:

PJ Larkin (1965)

Reed Brett (1967)

Peter Moss (1967)


Click the yellow arrow for advice on:

  •  How to STUDY this topic:
    • 1.   Start by reading some easy sources – for instance, Peter Moss, or the ‘Basics ’ sheet in the ‘Going Deeper’ panel on this page.  Get a grasp of the basic story.

      Make a list of key dates - leave space to add other dates you may discover during your studies. 

      It might be an idea to do this before you study this unit in class.

    • 2.   Work through the study sections 1-6 above.  You can do this over time as you study the topics in lessons.

              Take advantage of some of the links to explore, more deeply, aspects of the topics which attract your interest.  Try to become ‘an expert’ on some issues.

    • 3.   Read my comments about the need for a Wider Perspective, and study the historiography, to learn how historians have interpreted the causes, and to consider what YOU think about the debates.
    • 4.   Plunder the Cascade webpage to help you write any essays you are given.
  •  How to REVISE this topic:
    • 1.   Skim-read the study pages 1-4 in this unit to refresh your memory of what you have learned in the lessons.
    • 2.   Go through the topics on the Cascade webpage; for each, use the yellow arrows to think FIRST how you would answer, before checking against my suggestions.
    • 3.   Again using the yellow arrows to check your answers, do and re-do the Self-test until you can get every question ‘right enough’.
    • 5.   IF you have time, suss out the Smartass list of specialist terms with which to wow the examiner!  Invite a friend to revise with you and do the Revision Activities together, using them as an opportunity to share all you know.
    • 6.   NB This is just the factual stuff - don’t forget to rehearse how to do the exam-style questions for this unit.

Revision Materials

Revision pages

•  Cascade pdf

•  Self-test


Revision sheets:

•  Origins of WWII

•  Erdington Academy

•  GetRevising mindmap


Smartass: list of specialist terms


Revision Activities:

•  Simply Facts (pdf)

•  Interpretations (pdf)

•  Appeasement (pdf)